Monday, December 10, 2012

Spider Webquest

I. One of the main characters in Charlotte’s Web is a spider named Charlotte. Visit the site below to learn more information about spiders and answer the questions.


1. What is it called if you have a fear of spiders?

2. What does arthropod mean?

3. Complete the chart below comparing insects to spiders.

Number of body parts
Number of legs


4. Even though spiders have 8 legs, some cannot see well. How do they find insects?

5.  Explain how a spider uses its venom glands.



II. Spiders have very unique body parts. Check out the link below to learn more about them. When you are finished, draw a spider and label the parts.


III. Types of Spiders-There are several different types of spiders. You are going to read about 5 different types of spiders. As you read, write down 3 facts you learn about each spider.

            A. Black Widow Spider


B. Tarantula


C. Spitting Spider


D. Wolf Spider




E. Daddy Long Legs


If you have time, click here to watch a cool movie about jumping spiders!

Don't forget to work on your Charlotte's Web Dictionary.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Animals on a Farm

We have read about many animals that live on the Zuckerman farm with Wilber.  Use the links below to learn more about the animals. Write 3 interesting facts about each animal in your packet.
When you are finished draw a picture of what you think the Zuckerman farm looks like.